Carlos Rodrigo Blanco crb at laeff.inta.es
Fri Feb 20 02:08:02 PST 2009


First of all, sorry for not having been able to answer this email by 
Herve. When he sent it, I had just went on vacation, and I came back more 
than a month later (and you know... having hundreds of mails to read... 
sorry in any case)

I have looked for that mail and, as I see it, the mail is mostly about 
"good intentions" about trying to find a convergence between S3 and 
SimDAP. The only thing that I can say about that is: "great, it could be 
nice". Although, in fact, I don't know much about SimDAP so I cannot tell 
more. It could be most helpful if you could write some document about how 
SimDAP works (It doesn't need to be a thoroughfull detailed document, but, 
at least, being a protocol: what questions can be sent to a server, what 
kind of answers the server gives... those simple things).

With that we would have something to talk about.

At baltimore I understood that SimDAP was mostly a way to retrieve a final 
document (mostly "give the url of the document") an a prescription on how 
to describe the document content. But I could have misunderstood it.

For instance, I can't imagine the meaning of " the cutout service 
is already optional in the proposal made by Claudio and Rick (cf Rick' 
presentation on thursday) so this is no more a barrier to microsims. "
Why was it a barrier??

In what respects to telecons, I don't like them very much. English is not 
our language in most cases and I'm sorry to say that this problem is 
usually enlarged in telecons specially if we don't know if advance what we 
are going to talk about. I would propose to have: first, some documents to 
study, then some writen discusions in this mailing list and then we could 
maybe have some telecon to discuss the details in a faster way (but having 
studied the subject in advance)

By the way, I think that it would be nice to use this list more often. 
For instance, would it be posible that we have a copy of the document 
about "theory in the VO and those things" (I don't know the title, sorry) 
that was writen recently?

In summary, the idea of collaborating in getting a better protocol sounds 
nice for me (collaborating allways sounds nice to me) but I would need to 
know much more about SimDAP to say something else.

In any case, thanks for the mails from Herve and then Miguel trying to 
reactivate te subject


> Dear colleagues,
> First let me warmly thank those of you who have participated in the 'four' 
> theory sessions during the last INTEROP. I guess we have made some progresses 
> useful for the theory. I also expect we will have fruitful discussions in 
> preparation to the next step, the INTEROP in Strasbourg. Indeed, I believe we 
> need to have a lot of interaction between the INTEROP to allow a smooth 
> progress. The theory at ivoa.net mailing list is a useful tool because mails are 
> archived  keeping track of the discussions, but telecons have proven to be 
> also very fruitful to understand some tricky points.
> The first point I'd like to address is the possible/likely converge between 
> S3 and SimDAP. Even if we ended up with two separated access protocols, I 
> still quite confident that working all together it would be possible, with a 
> minimal effort and not too additional complexity, to handle all kinds of 
> simulations. For instance, the cutout service is already optional in the 
> proposal made by Claudio and Rick (cf Rick' presentation on thursday) so this 
> is no more a barrier to microsims.
> Having the 'microsimulation' session just a few hours before the closure of 
> the interop hadn't allow for the necessary extensive discussions, so I 
> suggest to start now thinking about this on the theory mailing list and maybe 
> during a telecon (date to be defined).
> I guess the bunch of people that could discuss all together should include 
> Claudio, Rick and Rodrigo as a minimum. Maybe Franck, as another example of 
> microsimulation (photodissociation models). I know Franck would like to 
> implement a SimDAP on PDR. Of course, I'd be happy to participate as much as 
> possible to the discussions.
> Let me know what's your feeling about this.
> Best regards,
> Herve
> -- 
> http://herve.wozniak.fr/
> Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
> UMR 5574 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - CNRS - ENS-Lyon
> 9, avenue Charles Andre, F-69561 Saint Genis Laval cedex
> Phone:  (+33) (0) 478 868 388 	Fax:    (+33) (0) 478 868 386

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