Fwd: in place of Hervé(herve.wozniak at newb6.u-strasbg.fr)

louys at alinda.u-strasbg.fr louys at alinda.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Feb 19 14:57:02 PST 2009

Hi all,
I am forwarding this email as requested by Hervé: we are facing
alias problems in the  theory at ivoa.net list .
sorry for disturbance

Hi Dave et al.

Due to an Euro-VO DCA deadline, I guess many people are currently not 
able to send their
comments (at least in Europe :-) ). I've also sent a proposal on Nov 
3rd that was never
discussed... that's life.
Anyway Miguel is rigth remembering us about the S3 notes. I'll try to 
summarise the
points I made during the Baltimore interop after the presentation by 
Carlos. Hope to send
something next week at last.


Le 12/02/2009 00:51, Dave DeYoung écrivait :

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Dear Mireille, Miguel et al.;

I agree with Mireille.  An absence of comment does not
mean appproval; it usually means everyone has been too busy
for writing a response.  I hope Miguel's note will
encourage others to respond to this, as more time is needed
before action can be taken.   Many thanks.
hi all, Hi Miguel,

I understand your concern in waiting for feedback. However I do not 
agree with the
assumption ' nobody is against , so it is approved'.
it is not the process decided in the IVOA.
But your mail is good to make people react.
I apologize that I have been unable to work on VO related efforts in 
the last 5 months
due to heavy teaching commitments.
Let us some time to reconsider your documents , discuss how your 
services can help to
come up to a set of 'good practices' and 'lessons learnt' in the 
organisation of
services to access theoretical data in astronomy.
Any feedback from other people involved in simulation codes developments?

Cheers, Mireille, DM group


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mel/mail : herve.wozniak at astro.u-strasbg.fr

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