
Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Sun Feb 8 16:32:05 PST 2009

Dear all

Some time ago, we presented in the theory list a Note describing
the S3 protocol. It has been also presented in several conferences  
We have be waited for comments, specially from SimDB efforts (has  
proposed by
Herve in his mail just after the fall interop). Since no negative  
comment has been
presented we assume that every body agree with the protocol and its  
(or at least there is no major problems or real needs to merge S3 and  

Please, let us know if you don not agree with that. In the mean time  
we will continue
(and discuss in this list) further developments.

I also would be very happy if any other iniciative post its  
development in the list and inform
the rest of the persons in the list about (and do not re-invent  



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