TIG report for EXEC

Herve Wozniak herve.wozniak at obs.univ-lyon1.fr
Tue Oct 21 23:17:49 PDT 2008

Dear all,

as TIG chair that's my duty to write the six-monthly IG report for the 
EXEC meeting on Sunday. However I'd like to check I have a full 
understanding of what is ongoing in the group
I've listed a number of development (and questions for those who are 
involved) since Trieste :
- the note on SimDB recommandation submitted in July
- the addition of Mireille and Norman to the group working on SimDB 
proposal (hwo far the document is from a WD status ?)
- the development of SimDB/SimDAP prototypes (how much and when will 
they be available ?)
- the note on S3 proposal and two implementations for testing that will 
be discussed on the Friday TIG session

What else ? What about semantics/vocabulary ?
Do I miss important things ?

Thanks a lot for your inputs.




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