R: Baltimore preparation

Patrizia Manzato manzato at oats.inaf.it
Wed Aug 27 02:01:50 PDT 2008

Dear Herve,

I'm working on microsimulations in collaboration with LAEFF-SVO people, I' m
implementing the TSAP protocol for searching  stellar isochrones and tracks.
So in Baltimore I hope to present these new applications of the TSAP

Kindly regards,

Patrizia Manzato
INAF - Information System Unit
Trieste Astronomical Observatory
v. G.B. Tiepolo 11,   I-34143 TRIESTE, ITALY
Phone.: +39 040 3199 153  Fax: +39 040 309418
e-mail: manzato at oats.inaf.it
Web site: http://wwwas.oat.ts.astro.it/ 

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Herve Wozniak [mailto:herve.wozniak at obs.univ-lyon1.fr] 
Inviato: lunedì 25 agosto 2008 14.48
A: theory at ivoa.net
Oggetto: Baltimore preparation

Dear colleagues,

The next INTEROP in Baltimore will likely be an important milestone for 
the Theory in the VO. The development of SimDB has focused most of our 
attention for several months whereas SimDAL is also getting momentum. 
Both efforts will be at the centre of our discussions in Baltimore.

However, there certainly exist several issues related to other fields of 
the Theory (e.g. microsimulations, semantics, etc) that certainly 
deserve to be discussed during the next INTEROP.

To prepare the schedule, I would like to make a census of the issues 
that have to be addressed. This will help us to define the number of 
sessions and to determine the crossovers with the other Working Groups.

I'm thus waiting for your suggestions.

Best regards,

for the Theory Interest Group



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