[SEMANTICS] Re: semantics

debray at obs-besancon.fr debray at obs-besancon.fr
Fri Jun 16 08:05:27 PDT 2006

Dear members of the "theory" mailing list,

as the deadline for collecting list of words and concepts
(http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/TheorySemanticVocabulary) is
approaching at high speed, I am just sending some comments coming from our view
with the model of the Galaxy developed in Besançon (see

I have added some items on the twiki page and give some comments thereafter.

The additions are :

1. add Galactic model to "name of code"

2. add "stars" to "subject"
in our mind, this is different from "star" ; "star" as a simulation subject can
be understood as modelling the structure, interior, ... of a star, whereas
"stars" infers modelling stellar population(s).
  Note that, may be in a different context, VOEvent does not make some
difference between both

3.  add "Monte Carlo" and "Stellar population synthesis" to "type of algorithm"

4. add "catalogue of objects" and "object statistics" to "result type" ;

Some further comments/possible additions:

5. can "nuclear reactions" be added to "physical process" ?

6. in "result type", may be "table"  should be specified a bit more ?

7. should not we distinguish between result "type" (which could be "snapshot",
"animation", " catalogue of objects",  "object statistics", ...) and result
"format" (which could then be: "FITS", "VOTable", "MPEG", "CSV", ...)

8. "algorithmic parameters" understood as initial and boundary conditions can be
virtually any physical or astronomical quantity ; we have added some among the
most important input parameters for the model of the Galaxy

9. I agree with Franck's remark about "Result parameters":

Franck.LePetit at obspm.fr wrote:

> ...
> 9 --- Result parameters
> I do not see the purpose of this UCD.

With best regards,

Bernard Debray
Observatoire de Besançon         | http://www.obs-besancon.fr/
41 bis, avenue de l'Observatoire | bernard.debray at obs-besancon.fr
BP 1615                          | Tel : (33) 3 81 66 69 28
25010 Besançon cedex             | Fax : (33) 3 81 66 69 44
France                           |

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