Comparison between observational and theoretical SEDs in VO.

Hans-Martin Adorf adorf at
Mon Apr 18 05:33:47 PDT 2005

Hi Enrique,

I'm intrigued by your announcement. The one thing I'd like to add is 
that since quite a while we, at the German Astrophysical Virtual 
Observatory, have been working on a tool that can be used for comparing 
observed with theoretical SEDs. The tool implements a statistical 
classifier and is available on our Web 
It is currently being used in a scientific project.

So far we have not incorporated any VOTable or VOSpec into our SED 
classifier, but are looking forward to doing so at some suitable point. 
May be we could join forces. Unfortunately, none of us will be 
participating in the Kyoto event, so we will have to look for another 
opportunity, in case you're interested. I myself am certainly open to 
discussions, also over the phone, at least to get started.


Enrique.Solano at wrote:

>Dear all,
>This is to let you know that, in the context of a collaborative framework
>between the Spanish virtual Observatory (SVO) and ESA-VO, we
>are developing a service to handle theoretical data (presently, stellar
>spectral data). The service uses VOSpec (
>  as a plotting
>utility. There is already a prototype version of the system that will be
>presented  in the Kyoto interop. during the Theory session.
>The system works in a SSA-like way in a "two-steps" process: using the
>"format=metadata" option, the system returns a list of parameters that can be
>used for the query. Then, a proper consult can be done and the system returns
>a VOTable including a link to the data and that follows as close as possible
>the spectral data model.
>In the near future we plan to implement a proper fitting tool between
>theoretical and observational SEDs. This will require passing the observed
>SED to the theoretical server.
>On the other hand, we also plan to make a short presentation of PGos3,  a
>collaboration between the Mexico-VO and SVO. PGos3 is a service that
>provides synthetic spectra, evolutionary tracks, isochrones and
>photoionization models. A preliminary version of the system can be found at:
>Enrique Solano (SVO) & Pedro Osuna (ESA-VO)

Dr. Hans-Martin Adorf . Max-Planck-Institut f. extraterrestrische Physik 
. Giessenbachstr. 1 . D-85741 Garching b. München . Germany
Phone: +49-89-30000-3352 . Fax: +49-89-30000-3404 . E-Mail: 
adorf at . WWW:
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