Comparison between observational and theoretical SEDs in VO.

Enrique.Solano at Enrique.Solano at
Mon Apr 18 04:56:56 PDT 2005

Dear all,

This is to let you know that, in the context of a collaborative framework
between the Spanish virtual Observatory (SVO) and ESA-VO, we
are developing a service to handle theoretical data (presently, stellar
spectral data). The service uses VOSpec (  as a plotting
utility. There is already a prototype version of the system that will be
presented  in the Kyoto interop. during the Theory session.

The system works in a SSA-like way in a "two-steps" process: using the
"format=metadata" option, the system returns a list of parameters that can be
used for the query. Then, a proper consult can be done and the system returns
a VOTable including a link to the data and that follows as close as possible
the spectral data model.

In the near future we plan to implement a proper fitting tool between
theoretical and observational SEDs. This will require passing the observed
SED to the theoretical server.

On the other hand, we also plan to make a short presentation of PGos3,  a
collaboration between the Mexico-VO and SVO. PGos3 is a service that
provides synthetic spectra, evolutionary tracks, isochrones and
photoionization models. A preliminary version of the system can be found at:


Enrique Solano (SVO) & Pedro Osuna (ESA-VO)

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