Quoting roles in data services

Henneken, Edwin ehenneken at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 3 15:49:29 CET 2025

Dear all

In addition to what I mentioned earlier: one thing we plan to look at later
this year is to find ways to expose "cite as"/"cite with" information
through the ADS interface; this is particularly relevant for data and

Markus mentioned the RDA. I agree that this is a great organization to find
similar initiatives and opportunities to collaborate. I hope to attend the
(virtual) Plenary Meeting in April.

Best wishes,

*Edwin Henneken *(he | him | his)

Astrophysics Data System / Science Explorer

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

60 Garden Street | MS 83 | Cambridge, MA 02138

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On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 9:00 AM Markus Demleitner via semantics <
semantics at ivoa.net> wrote:

> Dear Stéphane,
> First off, I think DCP is a better IG for that question than
> Semantics.  But that's just in case we decide to write something to
> improve the state of matters.
> On Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 11:01:21AM +0100, Stéphane Erard via semantics
> wrote:
> > VESPA distinguishes 3 roles, following current practices: Creator,
> Contributor, Publisher
> > But there is an obvious ambiguity with Creator that needs to be
> addressed.
> Actually, things are even more complicated because most data is
> associated with a paper, and I expect most authors would like to see
> their paper cited (and only then perhaps any data service).  For
> *that*, we have the necessary metadata in the Registry (at least in
> principle).  The paper's identifier is in Content/source, and if you
> give your service (or, rather, data collection) a DOI, people can
> reasonably cite it as such.  I will admit that asking people to cite
> two things may be a bit immodest -- but who know?
> DaCHS produces citation advice from that that is generally linked to
> from the resulting VOTables (via a DALI citation INFO), for example
> like this: <http://dc.g-vo.org/gedr3mock/q/download/howtocite>
> Of course, few people notice any of that.  I think any effort on
> improving data citation would at first best be spent on fixing that
> (e.g., making clients expose the information in the DALI's citation
> <https://ivoa.net/documents/DALI/20170517/REC-DALI-1.1.html#tth_sEc4.4.3>
> more prominently).
> Thinking about ways to acknowledge everyone else involved (or how we
> can avoid having to ask people for that kind of acknowledgement,
> because let's be frank: it's a pain) probably is something that
> should be addressed by wider forums as there is nothing very
> astronomy-specific in this.
> I'd be surprised if there weren't people working on these questions
> at the RDA level.  That doesn't mean we couldn't prototype something
> in astronomy, of course.
> Thanks,
>             Markus
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