Semantics Calls 4 yesterday

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Sep 16 10:54:23 CEST 2021

Dear Semantics folks,

We had our fourth edition of Semantics Calls yesterday -- thanks for
the great turnout!

I've put up an edited version of the etherpad minutes on
-- feel free to edit if you think I've not covered anything properly.

I've also seeded the agenda page for Semantics Calls 5 at, where
there are already two points we had to postpone yesterday; further
agenda items are welcome.  ETA for SemCalls 5 would be late November
unless somebody sees a serious need to try and work out the points
before that.

On arith.* being S, perhaps we'll also get a chance for a chat in the
interop gathertown?

          -- Markus

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