VEP-007: datalink-core#detached-header

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at
Wed Sep 15 14:20:08 CEST 2021

Hi all,
Le 15/09/2021 à 12:00, Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Hi François,
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 11:25:14AM +0200, BONNAREL FRANCOIS wrote:
>>         I know that VEP-007 will be discussed today and I will not
>> participate.
> Oh, dang.  So, what about VEP-006?  François, you seemed to still
> have concerns with that, too -- or can that go on now?
>>         I am strongly in favor of the new term itself.
>>         My small concern (with a proposal) is that as it is stated now in
>> ""
>>         The head-term of #detached-header is "documentation".
>>         I think that a head term like #metadata would be better.
>>         This term doesn't exist  up to now and I think it is  lacking.
>>         #metadata is different from #documentation in the sense that the
>> first one is machine readable while the other one is human readable
>>         So usage by clients would be very different. Other example for
>> #metadata would be #ivoa-provenance-metadata and #ivoa-obscore
>>         If you think this is a good idea I would like to add this term either
>> in the same VEP or as another VEP with the small modification of head-term
>> in VEP-007 itself
> First, I'm strongly against introducing terms on, effectively, a whim
> -- experience has shown many times it's almost certain that'll be
> trouble once we actually need a related concept.
> Instead, we should rather
> (a) have a clear need for the term, which for datalink/core means
> (for now): A link that either doesn't fit any of the existing
> concepts at all or requires splitting an existing concept because the
> link needs a different treatment (by a machine) from other members of
> that existing concept.
> (b) have a clear and plausible ("digital") *pragmatics* for that
> concept.  What we're doing here is machine-readable semantics, so to
> make a term worthwhile, there must be at least an idea (even better:
> implementation) of what a machine should do with the information that
> the link belongs to the new concept (rather than an old one).

This is a point where I have a major disagreement with Markus I'm afraid.

If we want to build a consistent vocabulary we have to think a little 
bit ahead and also around the

specific use case we are dealing with.

We cannot rule out the discussion of a specific term just because we 
don't  have a working example yet if it is obviously related to the term 
which was first proposed.

In other words the "pragmatics" should be contextualised.



> Having said that, François has a point in that documentation's
> definition currently says "Extra information on the item in
> *human-readable* text form" (emphasis mine).  I think what we're
> learning with this item is that "human-readable" was an error here;
> the examples "processing logs" or "weather reports" already make that
> clear: These are a lot more useful when they come in a structured
> format, which very often will not have "text form" (unless you have a
> very liberal idea of text).
> Hence, I'd say we need to fix the definition #documentation to read
>    Extra information aiding in understanding or interpreting the item.
>    Such information can range from processing logs to weather reports
>    to technical documents on instruments to related publications.
> I give you that one of these days separating "human-readable" and
> "machine-readable" (or structured, as for #detached-header)
> documentation might be useful (so users could hide away stuff that'll
> only give gobbledigook unless they have a matching client); that
> could then approach what I think your *#metadata would comprise.
> But let's wait until we have cases where there's so much
> #documentation that that's actually worth it.  For now, I'm sure
> even in interactive use most people would actually like to see a FITS
> header when they open #documentation.
> François (and, of course, everyone else), would you be ok with a VEP
> fixing #documentation's definition as above?  Since it just widens
> the extension and probably won't conflict strongly with other
> concepts in datalink/core, I'd be rather confident it's technically
> sane.
>             -- Markus
> PS: talking about discussions that petered out over the holiday season,
> I'd like to use this opportunity to remind everyone of
>, where
> I'm raising several points that I'm rather sure need to be addressed
> before VEP-009 can go on.

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