instr.fov in SSAP

Mireille LOUYS mireille.louys at
Wed Sep 1 18:45:53 CEST 2021

Hi Mark , Hi everyone,

I discussed  with Sebastien and Andrea about this usage of "instr.fov" .

I added some preliminary checks we did in /slanted font /for each line 
in the table provided  to understand the origin of the error usage.
( see below).

We did find "instr.fov;instr.pixel" in Vizier due to an error in a 
mapping table between UCD1 and UCD1+.
This will be corrected.

In the SSAP rec, 'instr.fov' is misused 2 times in page 66.
"instr.fov", represents an instrument characteristics projected on the sky.
It does not exist /per se/ as a physical quantity, with units etc.

It is suitable to be a qualifier,  to some measurement like
E phys.angSize  --> phys.angSize;instr.fov
Q phys.angArea --> phys.angArea;instr.fov

Other errors appear for several other fields .
we 'll check the other UCD in SSAP and propose some updates to the spec 
as an errata very soon.

Le 20/07/2021 à 10:49, Mark Taylor a écrit :
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021, Markus Demleitner wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> SSAP 1.1 requires the UCD instr.fov on a few columns (cf. p.66 of
>> Trouble is: By UCDList 1.4, instr.fov is a secondary UCD, so the
>> UCD required by SSA is illegal by UCD.
>> How do we fix this?  I see two ways forward: Either we lift the S
>> restriction on instr.fov. This would sound reasonable to me and
>> obviously many others; here's a few counts from today's
>> rr.table_columns:
>>   instr.fov                  |  198/spectra services/  appling SSAP
>>   instr.fov;instr.pixel      | 2475/most are Vizier tables : error in a translation script UCD1--> UCD1+/
>>   phys.angsize;instr.fov     |  167/appropriate usage/  and suggested by cds assigning tool  <>
>>   pos.angdistance;instr.fov  |   16/correct ucd syntax but semantically ambiguous with instr.fov : 
>> distance is not size /
>>   pos.posang;instr.fov       |   12/correct ucd syntax but check context /  
>> (these are the most popular ones).
>> Or we write an erratum to SSAP changing the required UCD to, I think,
>> phys.angsize;instr.fov .
>> Me, I don't have much of an opinion, though I have to admit I can't
>> really say why there's the S on instr.fov.
>> There is a similar problem in SLAP, where a UCD em.line is required,
>> which also is S in the UCD list.  I'd be a lot more relaxed about
>> that since I believe SLAP as a whole ought to make room for something
>> closer to VAMDC.
> My take: presumably somebody thought that it made sense to have
> instr.fov and em.line as primary UCDs, so my first instinct would
> be to change their designation from S (secondary) to Q (both) in
> UCD1+, at least for 1.5, and maybe as an erratum to 1.4.
> This approach would be less disruptive than a change to SSA/SLAP,
> since only the validators have to change, not the services
> or clients.
> To assess whether that's sensible, can one of the UCD1+ authors
> or other Semantics representative either agree that's reasonable
> or present an argument that these ought not to be Primary?
> (Context: future versions of taplint will check UCDs for validity
> against the UCD1+ list, so there may be quite a few services that
> see taplint errors reported against tables that are following
> standard requirements).
> Mark
> --
> Mark Taylor  Astronomical Programmer  Physics, Bristol University, UK
> m.b.taylor at

Mireille Louys,  MCF (Associate Professor)
Centre de données CDS		IPSEO, Images, Laboratoire Icube
Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Université		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413
F- 67000-STRASBOURG		F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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