Question - History of ivoa onto of astronomical object types

Francoise Genova francoise.genova at
Fri Dec 3 09:23:34 CET 2021

Hi Robert,

The development of the object type ontology was supported by a project 
funded by the European Commission. The project was called EuroVO-AIDA 
(Astronomical Infrastructure for Data Access - 2008-2010) and the 
development was made in the framework of the project WP8 Assessment of 
emerging technologies by INAF and CDS. The aim was to investigate the 
usage of ontologies for our needs, and we choosed to focus on a well 
defined subject, astronomical object types. The use cases had been 
gathered in the framework of a previous EC funded project called VO-TECH.

The starting point was the list of object types from the SIMBAD 
database, which has continued to evolve since then, its current version 
is here: 
SIMBAD is the reference database for astronomical objects outside of the 
Solar System maintained by the Strasbourg astronomical data centre CDS:

Hope this helps

Le 03/12/2021 à 08:45, Robert Rovetto a écrit :
> Can anyone on the list who were original developers of that ontology 
> share the history of it?
> On Monday, November 29, 2021, 12:09:56 PM EST, Robert Rovetto 
> <ontologos at> wrote:
> Thanks for that context. I will try. In the meantime, one specific 
> question is: Would people involved in the creation & development of 
> the IVOA ontology of astronomical object types tell its particular 
> history?
> On Monday, November 29, 2021, 05:24:57 AM EST, Markus Demleitner 
> <msdemlei at> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 05:16:54PM +0000, Robert Rovetto wrote:
> > Although some tech documentation pages and list archive are on the
> > site, I'm interested in understanding more about the history of the
> > IVOA ontology.
> Well, there is no IVOA ontology, just several vocabularies.  The ones
> we currently define are on 
> < > Some of these,
> indeed, have a rather twisted provenance; refframe, for instance,
> takes up bits that once lived in two different XML schemas, which in
> turn drew on quite a bit of prior art.  The history of an astronomy
> thesaurus (the latest incarnation of which, the UAT, is still in the
> process of adoption by the IVOA) could fill volumes.  And then there
> are the UCDs, which have a rich history of their own.
> > Would anyone--e.g., original ivoa developers--be able to share?
> > If willing, a presentation in a meeting would be wonderful.
> Most of what you see today went through many hands, and hence it is
> not easy to even name the "original ivoa developers" in many cases,
> and quite a few of the original protagonists have already retired.
> And so there is not just one history, but quite a number of stories.
> It might be methodically enlightening to try and tell one or two of
> those, but to pick which one to tell, it would help to have a few
> questions that such stories could be intended to answer.
> Could you try and come up with some of these questions?
>         -- Markus

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