InterOp Discussion : Vocab 2.0 & Theory

Franck Le Petit Franck.LePetit at
Thu Nov 19 17:48:19 CET 2020

Dear Markus, 

To complete the discussion concerning the difficulties between Vocab 2.0 and the Theory I.G. and more specifically to complete what Hervé said about the specific issue concerning permanent URIs.

The issue of permanent URIs for SKOS concepts for SimDM vocabularies was discussed between the Semantics W.G. and Theory the Shangai 2017 InterOp. See Nicolas Moreau's presentation here: <>
and especially the “to do” at the end. 

Then, it was discussed again at the College Park 2018 InterOp. 
First with presentations by myself both in the Theory and in the Semantics sessions.

During this InterOp we found a solution between the Theory and Semantics W.G. that is written in the conclusions of the InterOp meeting:
* Conclusion Semantics: <>
* Conclusion Theory: <>
It was decided:
"1 - Conclude on SKOS concepts URIs
During this InterOp, conclusion on Theory SKOS concepts URIs
Publication of Theory vocabularies on after this InterOp”

Is Vocab 2.0 compatible with these conclusions ? Which solution do you propose ?

Best regards
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