Update of the IVOA UCD list incorporating items for planetary data

Marco Molinaro molinaro at oats.inaf.it
Mon Sep 1 03:54:45 PDT 2014

Dear all,
a few points.

If, prompted by Planetary data use cases, we add about 10 em.line.* words,
can we consider adding
em.line.OII (OIII already exists)
em.line.Hepsilon/zeta/eta/theta (going beyond alpha/beta/gamma/delta)
Otherwise, if you feel that going this way we'll have this em.line.* list
explode, we should think about some policy for adding to it (not for UCD
v1.3 of course).

Then, regarding the added UCDs, I have two specific questions.

The first is about src.orbital.TissJ
If the UCDs should not describe too much in detail a parameter or physical
concept, isn't it too much adding two UCDs for the Tisserand parameter, one
specifically related to Jupiter?

The second is about the phys.particle.* block.
If we are to add neutron/proton/alpha there, why don't we take the chance
to move phys.electron to phys.particle.electron?
I see there's a phys.electron.degeneracy parameter below it, but maybe we
can refactor that branch.


2014-08-29 15:37 GMT+02:00 Louys Mireille <mireille.louys at unistra.fr>:

> Dear Semantics member,
> Dear UCD-maintenance group 's member,
> Here attached is a draft for the update of the UCD list in order to enrich
> the corpus with items covering the Planetary data use-case.
> New UCD strings have been proposed  by B. Cecconi et al.  at the IVOA
> Interop in Madrid and circulated via the wiki page
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/PlanetaryUCD
> see attached Note:  SolarSystemUCD-V06.pdf
> The following working draft is open for discussion .
> Your comments and feedback are welcome .
> best wishes , Mireille
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