VOUnits: _another_ version, based on implementation feedback

Frederic V. Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Tue Oct 29 07:18:09 PDT 2013

> The unit production on p. 39 allows
> which is there to allow prefixes on quoted units, like
> M'jupiterMass'.  I'm fairly opposed to that; as Norman writes in
> 2.12.1, "this is not often likely to be a good idea," and I could
> find stronger language about it.  
> Does *anyone* actually want this?  If yes, so be it, but if not,
> let's not do it.  It complicates the already ungraceful quoted units
> business even more.

I thought the only purpose of this was to insure a robust parsing of unusual/ambiguous units?  I don't remember the example off hand, but there were two different ways of parsing the unit string.  Thus, it doesn't have a semantic but just a technical function and so should be utterly harmless.


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