VOUnits: _another_ version, based on implementation feedback

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Nov 6 00:23:34 PST 2013

Dear List,

On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 06:31:28AM +0100, GENOVA Francoise (OBS) wrote:
> I agree completely with Pat. We have established procedures for
> acceptance of standards and at this stage it is too late to bring
> comments except if there is something so critical that we have to
> go one or two steps backwards in the procedure and delay acceptance
> again and again. I did not have the impression that this was the
> case with these comments.

You're certainly right in principle.  In the case of VOUnits,
however, debate was moderate during the WD phase.  Then, during TCG
review, debate picked up.  This lead to a fairly intensive
re-structuring of the document, and more importantly, a few
wide-ranging changes were introduced, first and foremost the quoted

To get an idea what the extent of the changes we're talking about
here is, try

svn co http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/std-vounits \
  && cd std-vounits && svn diff -r 1787 | less

(and kudos for that to Norman again).

Now, the last debate is mainly about the consequences of the addition
of quoted strings.  That debate could not have happened earlier since
the feature only came in during TCG review.

We *could* follow the book and have Units do another loop through WG
review.  I'd much rather be pragmatic here, though, mainly since the
document is now in really good shape.



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