ivoa.net subdomain for vocabularies

Juande Santander Vela juandesant at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 03:18:20 PST 2010

Hi, Norman, I think it is Sarah Emery Bunn you'd want:

> From:    Sarah Emery Bunn <sarah.emery at caltech.edu>
> Date:    12 de julio de 2010 21:23:09 GMT+02:00
> To:      interop at ivoa.net
> Subject: IVOA Mailing Lists
> Dear IVOA Community,
> This week we will be moving the hosting of the IVOA mailing lists from ESO to Caltech.
> During this transition web access to subscription management will be unavailable. We hope to have that back up by next week.
> While we do not anticipate any problems, if you do encounter any difficulty sending to lists or receiving from them, please send email to sarah.emery at caltech.edu.
> Thank you for your patience!
> Sarah Emery Bunn
> (almost the) IVOA Document Coordinator

El 24/11/2010, a las 12:00, Norman Gray escribió:

> Semanics folk, and Bruno, hello.
> [Bruno: are you the right person to ask about this -- are you still looking after the ivoa.net domain, in some sense?]
> In the last few months, there's been some effort to set up a service for managing SKOS vocabularies for astronomy, focused in the first instance on vocabularies for SimDB.  This started with a suggestion of mine a couple of years ago, which Franck Le Petit reanimated earlier this year, and which he supported with a brief workshop at Meudon in September.
> *Where we are:*  we have the free use of an installation of a vocabulary-management webapp called PoolParty, which Nicolas Moreau of Meudon is currently setting up with the currently existing vocabularies for SimDB.  Eventually, I hope, these SKOS concepts will be named with URIs chosen for persistence (I favour purl.org URIs, but this is TBD).
> For technical reasons, which may or may not be permanent, this system would work best if we can identify a DNS domain which resolves to the host running PoolParty.  For example vocab.ivoa.net.
> There is already <http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/>, and I think we discussed vocab.ivoa.net or rdf.ivoa.net or somesuch, as possibilities around the time that .../rdf was set up, but at that point, .../rdf was both easier to set up than a new subdomain, and adequate for our then purposes.
> So, the questions are:
> (a) does anyone have any opinions about this they'd like to interject?
> (b) is it indeed you, Bruno, that I would ask about this, and if so, what do you think?
> All the best,
> Norman
> -- 
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk

Juande Santander Vela
Applied Scientist, Archive Management Group
Archive Department, Data Management & Operations Division
European Southern Observatory (Germany)

Ed Cunningham: Amigos son esos extraños seres que nos preguntan cómo estamos y se esperan a oír la contestación.

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