ivoa.net subdomain for vocabularies

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Wed Nov 24 03:00:55 PST 2010

Semanics folk, and Bruno, hello.

[Bruno: are you the right person to ask about this -- are you still looking after the ivoa.net domain, in some sense?]

In the last few months, there's been some effort to set up a service for managing SKOS vocabularies for astronomy, focused in the first instance on vocabularies for SimDB.  This started with a suggestion of mine a couple of years ago, which Franck Le Petit reanimated earlier this year, and which he supported with a brief workshop at Meudon in September.

*Where we are:*  we have the free use of an installation of a vocabulary-management webapp called PoolParty, which Nicolas Moreau of Meudon is currently setting up with the currently existing vocabularies for SimDB.  Eventually, I hope, these SKOS concepts will be named with URIs chosen for persistence (I favour purl.org URIs, but this is TBD).

For technical reasons, which may or may not be permanent, this system would work best if we can identify a DNS domain which resolves to the host running PoolParty.  For example vocab.ivoa.net.

There is already <http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/>, and I think we discussed vocab.ivoa.net or rdf.ivoa.net or somesuch, as possibilities around the time that .../rdf was set up, but at that point, .../rdf was both easier to set up than a new subdomain, and adequate for our then purposes.

So, the questions are:

(a) does anyone have any opinions about this they'd like to interject?
(b) is it indeed you, Bruno, that I would ask about this, and if so, what do you think?

All the best,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk

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