[QUAR] Re: Expressing position in RDF

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Oct 16 13:44:20 PDT 2008

> Hi,,

> How would you do this in FITS-WCS?
> A FITS header is a set of predicate-object pairs with, in most cases  
> the same subject.  Put the right kind of pointy brackets around that  
> and you've got your triples.  Your RDF problem is solved, with  
> semantics as precisely defined (in the three Papers) as you'd want.

I suggested something similar with UCDs and was told that was a bad  
idea! Do we have a FITS ontology then that we can reference? Otherwise  
all we have is a set of keyword names.

> With the RDF problem solved, it's just a matter of rearrangement to  
> solve the RDFa problem.
> FITS-WCS may have its warts (I'm not qualified to have much of an  
> opinion here), but that doesn't matter: getting the data out there,  
> in a form that has broad software support, and which degrades  
> smoothly so that you can say simple things simply, is more important  
> than completeness (I think Bernard made a similar point).
> Dare I go further (heresy!): it's OK to have more than one way to  
> say things!
> All the best,
> Norman


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