UCD question: how to specify reference to a flat field image?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Oct 15 11:22:40 PDT 2008

A broader issue is that UCDs arose out of column names in the  
astronomical literature.  Thus many terms of art arising out of system  
engineering, for instance, don't appear in a satisfying way because  
these were selected out before they reached the literature.

A reading of "meta.dataset" might be roughly equivalent to "data".   
You could also use simply "meta", a "P" word, depending on what you're  
trying to say.

For instance:

	meta.dataset;obs.image - an image
	meta;obs.image - header information for the image

And then mime types might be used to specify FITS, etc.


On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Rob Seaman wrote:

> Like Brian said, meta.file is tagged with the dreaded "S".
> Maybe we need a "Q" word called "thing" :-)
> --
> On Oct 15, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Roy Williams wrote:
>> Next iteration:
>> meta.file;obs.calib.flat
>> Brian Thomas wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 15 October 2008 01:47:29 pm Rob Seaman wrote:
>>>> How about meta.dataset;obs.calib.flat?
>>> Hmm. Perhaps.. but the definition of 'meta.dataset' is a not very  
>>> clear or satisfying one of "Dataset, archive".
>>> =brian
>>>> --
>>>> On Oct 15, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Brian Thomas wrote:
>>>>> 	Hi,
>>>>> 	Here's a question for the UCD mavens on the list; my apologies  
>>>>> in  advance if
>>>>> 	this was answered elsewhere  (I guess I missed it..)
>>>>> 	How does one specify "a flat-field calibration file" using UCD   
>>>>> 1.23? I see that the
>>>>> 	'meta.file' and 'obs.calib.flat' UCDs both exist, however, they  
>>>>> are  both marked as
>>>>> 	'secondary', so neither may be the first in a composed word,  
>>>>> and  apparently cant
>>>>> 	be combined.
>>>>> 	What should I do here?
>>>>> 	-brian
>> -- 
>> California Institute of Technology
>> 626 395 3670

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