Vocabularies WD draft

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at leicester.ac.uk
Fri Jan 18 07:38:52 PST 2008

Prob not much help but it renders ok in IE7 (which might be why others
haven't complained) from which I produced the attached pdf (subject to my
printing prefs though).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-semantics at eso.org [mailto:owner-semantics at eso.org] On
> Behalf Of Alasdair J G Gray
> Sent: 18 January 2008 14:22
> To: Norman Gray
> Cc: IVOA semantics
> Subject: Re: Vocabularies WD draft
> Hi
> Norman Gray wrote:
> >
> > Greetings, all.
> >
> > I'd like to invite people here to take a look at the current (0.02)
> > draft of the document `Vocabularies in the IVOA'.  It's at
> >
> >
> http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaSemantics#Latest_documents
> I've just tried to access the document and rather than rendering the
> xhtml I got the code. (I'm able to view other xhtml documents in my
> browser.) Is there something wrong with the way the document is being
> hosted?
> Cheers,
> Alasdair
> PS This might explain why we have had little response so far ;-)
> >
> > This draft has had a few iterations off-list, with a rather amorphous
> > and informal cc list.  That was a fairly efficient way of resolving
> > some minor issues, and has helped refine the set of more significant
> > issues currently associated with the document.  These more
> significant
> > issues are now I think concrete enough to be usefully discussable on
> > this IVOA-wide list.  There were some fairly significant issues such
> > as the relationship between these vocabularies and higher-level
> > ontologies work ongoing in the IVOA, but I _believe_ that these were
> > either resolved to broad satisfaction on-list before the solstice, or
> > else have been addressed within the document.
> >
> > So fire away!
> >
> >
> >
> > *** Process ***
> >
> > The document and the related vocabularies are in a Google Code
> > repository at
> >
> >     http://volute.googlecode.com
> >
> > The subversion repository is at
> > <http://code.google.com/p/volute/source>.  That page gives
> > instructions on how to check out a read-only anonymous copy of the
> > tree; if anyone here wants read-write access, mail me a googlemail
> > account name and I'll add you.  If you subscribe to the volute-
> commits
> > list <http://groups.google.com/group/volute-commits> you can see each
> > repository commit as it happens.
> >
> > There's an issues list at
> > <http://code.google.com/p/volute/issues/list>.  I'm in two minds
> about
> > this issues list, and wonder if a hand-maintained HTML file beside
> the
> > document source might be preferable.  It's obviously less functional
> > than this issues list, but might be more concrete.  I'm keen to hear
> > comments.
> >
> > I suspect that we don't want to drown the semantics at ivoa list in a
> lot
> > of minutiae about commas, SKOS serialisations, and makefiles, and so
> > suggest having such minor-issue discussions somewhere else.  The
> > obvious place is a second google groups list; the next possibility is
> > just keeping it as a big cc-list amongst the authors (a bad idea, I
> > think); the third is staying on semantics at ivoa until we're told to
> > shut up.
> >
> >
> >
> > *** Next steps ***
> >
> > At what point does this enter the formal process?  Is it by
> > acclamation on this list, or by Andrea's imprimatur?
> >
> > I don't believe this need be a long process, and hope that we might
> > have a pretty complete version of the document in a couple of months.
> > Rick and the other VOEvent people have fairly pressing uses for this
> > work; Alasdair and I have separate reasons for wanting to embed the
> > vocabularies in other systems; this suggests that we might find two
> > implementations which can be reported on at the May Interop.  Is it
> > too optimistic to hope that this document might therefore go to PR in
> > Trieste?
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Norman
> >
> >
> --
> Dr Alasdair J G Gray
> http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~agray/
> Explicator project
> http://explicator.dcs.gla.ac.uk/
> Office: F161
> Tel: 	+44 141 330 6292
> Postal: Computing Science,
> 	17 Lilybank Gardens,
> 	University of Glasgow,
> 	Glasgow,
> 	G12 8QQ, UK.

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