[Fwd: Re: Threads]

Ed Shaya eshaya at umd.edu
Thu Sep 27 14:10:07 PDT 2007


This one in HOU seems odd,

<Description>High proper-motion Star</Description>
where is the notion of high in the SV?

This should be, in valid N3
star:star source:properMotion "High".

The galaxy is not a member of a galaxy cluster.
SV: galaxy;NOT;[;isElementOf;galaxy.cluster;]
N3: :source1 a galaxy:galaxy;
	{ rdf:memberOf galaxy:cluster. } a n3:falsehood.
where the brackets mean the statement becomes the subject of another 

The object may or may not be a planetary nebula.
SV: diffuse.nebula.planetary;stat.possible
N3: {:source1 a diffuse:nebula.planetary.} a stat:Possibility.

It is possible that the galaxy is a member of a galaxy Cluster.
SV: galaxy;[;isElementOf;galaxy.cluster;stat.possible;]
N3: :source1 a galaxy:galaxy;
	{rdf:memberOf galaxy:cluster.} a stat:Possibility.
where {} make a statement into the subject of another statement.

This N3 syntax is pretty darn close to the SV, was invented by Tim 
Berners Lee in 1998, and was completely forgotten, not.


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