SV: who does it?

Doug Tody dtody at
Sat Sep 15 14:00:55 PDT 2007

On Sat, 15 Sep 2007, Andrea Preite Martinez wrote:

> Quoting Tony Linde <Tony.Linde at>:
> > Who ought to be involved in the creation of a Standard Vocabulary? We have
> > the document created by Andrea and his small group and obviously they'll be
> > involved, but shouldn't we be sure to include people in the DM and VOEvent
> > (to name but two obvious relationships) groups since it appears they're the
> > ones most likely to use a SV. Any volunteers? Or suggestions for candidates?
> > 
> Semantics and VOEvent are already included via the participation of "active"
> mambers of both WGs. Participation of other "active" members is of course
> welcome.
> DAL and Theory are not yet represented.
> Dough, Gerard, are you volunteering, or can you suggest somebody?

Andrea, I would be happy to participate, but Keith as the new DAL
Chair may wish to suggest others as well.

	- Doug
> Andrea
> ===================================================================================
> Andrea Preite Martinez                 andrea.preitemartinez at
> IASF                                   Tel.IASF:+39.06.4993.4641
> Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100        Tel.CDS :+33.3.90242452
> I-00133 Roma                           Cell.   :+39.320.43.15.383
>                                       Skype   :andrea.preite.martinez
> ===================================================================================

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