SV: do we need it?

Norman Gray norman at
Fri Sep 14 11:07:37 PDT 2007

Rob, hello.

On 2007 Sep 14, at 17:43, Rob Seaman wrote:

> The deadline is tomorrow for letters of intent to host special  
> sessions at the 2009 IAU GA.  I'm aware of two IVOA-related efforts  
> to organize such sessions.

Mmm: do tell.  Is either of them directly semantics-related?

> It's up to us to lead them, however, not to punt (sorry - reference  
> to American football) on all the difficult questions.

Rugby, too.  Personally I always rather enjoyed punting on those  
occasions when I was obliged into a rugby shirt.  It looked nice and  
positive, and made everyone else run and roll in the mud somewhere else.

For semantics, though, I'm yer hooker (ermm... in the cisatlantic  

See you (Friday beers beckon!),


Norman Gray  :  :  University of Leicester, UK

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