membership request

Alasdair Allan aa at
Thu Sep 13 13:48:40 PDT 2007

>> Sorry to add to the noise - wasn't trying to be facetious, it just
>> comes naturally.
> Far be it for me to cast the first stone!
>> using IVOA semantic tools in our aggressively pragmatic workflow.  I
> Can you elaborate on the workflow, Rob? Al's post seemed to imply that
> inserting semantic tools anywhere would be too time-costly to be  
> worthwhile.

That's not exactly what I meant, although I understand how it could  
be seen that way. There are certain VOEvent applications where we're  
not even using an XML parser because it's too much overhead. There  
are others where a few hours don't matter, and semantic tools could  
prove very useful (SNe candidates spring to mind). As ever mandating  
the use of such to get information out of the packet is something I'm  
against, so as always YMMV.


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