membership request

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at
Thu Sep 13 13:14:03 PDT 2007

> Sorry to add to the noise - wasn't trying to be facetious, it just
> comes naturally.  

Far be it for me to cast the first stone!

> using IVOA semantic tools in our aggressively pragmatic workflow.  I

Can you elaborate on the workflow, Rob? Al's post seemed to imply that
inserting semantic tools anywhere would be too time-costly to be worthwhile.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-semantics at [mailto:owner-semantics at] On
> Behalf Of Rob Seaman
> Sent: 13 September 2007 17:53
> To: semantics at
> Subject: Re: membership request
> > Yes, I'd assumed Rob's comments and request were a p***-take until
> > Andrea
> > answered him seriously - maybe a language thing :)
> Sorry to add to the noise - wasn't trying to be facetious, it just
> comes naturally.  The WG wiki seemed pretty cut and dried about a
> closed membership policy.  Glad to hear that ain't so.
> In any event, VOEvent remains deeply interested in developing and
> using IVOA semantic tools in our aggressively pragmatic workflow.  I
> don't believe Rick will be joining us in the UK.  Is there somebody
> else who would like to present the evolving IVOA world view regarding
> vocabularies at either the BoF or InterOp session?
> Rob

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