BT/NT confusion in IVOAT

Alasdair Gray agray at
Wed Nov 28 01:40:17 PST 2007

Hi All,

Following Doug's email, I thought I would try the vocabularies developed 
in the explicator project through the validation service. ( I have been 
trying to do this for months but the validation service has been down.) 
The results are very positive:

* 	*Source File
* 	*Result page
A&A Keywords
AOIM Vocabulary

All three vocabularies passed all of the tests except for the A&A 
Keywords and AOIM vocabulary failing

        Test D.2. (Possible Missing Top Concept Assertion for Scheme)

However, the failure of this test is down to the validation service not 
correctly handling collections. It does not have the rule for making 
members of a collection inherit the relationships of the collection. I 
have run versions of the vocabulary with the additionally inferred 
relationships through and

    * A&A Keywords is correct except for 2 individuals which are part of
      an ordered collection that I added for testing (I'll look into
      what is happening there, I don't think I added the rules for the
      ordered collection),
    * AOIM is correct,


Douglas Burke wrote:
> Rick,
> I've just tried out the experimental SKOS validator [1] on your IVOA 
> thesaurus and it spits out some problems [2].
>   [1]
>   [2]
>       (this is only with the base level)
> I remember you mentioning the Ae/Be/Herbig AeBe circularity before, 
> but the other issues are new to me (most are of the form "term has 
> same NT and RT", but there are a couple where the prefLabel field 
> matches one of the altLabel fields)
> Doug

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