browsing the current set of vocabularies

Douglas Burke dburke at
Thu Nov 22 04:54:56 PST 2007

[2nd time lucky, apologies if you get this twice]

If you go to

(I apologise for the domain name, slow speed, and probable flakiness as
it's running on my home machine) then you can browse the vocabularies
we've been discussing recently. I've taken Rick's IVOA thesaurus and math
vocabularies, added in Alisdair's UCD1, A&A keywords, and AOIM
vocabularies, and then randomly added in a few equivalences (owl:sameAs)
and relations (skos:related) to see what happens if you try to combine
things (this has been done in a very hap-hazard way and is not meant to be
complete, authoritative, or even particularly sensible).  As an example,

which link the IVOA and UCD vocabularies for a couple of
photometry-related terms.

This is by no means meant to be an "end user" application (ie the general
astronomer)! I just find it useful to see how what's in the vocabularies,
as well as letting me play with some of the behind-the-scenes

I'd advise just clicking on links madly for awhile and then looking at the
help pages

Let me know if you have any problems/issues/questions - although as I'm
likely to be suffering from turkey overload tomorrow answers may take
awhile :)


  Doug Burke                | Email:  dburke at
  Harvard-Smithsonian       | Phone:  (617) 496 7853
    Center for Astrophysics | Fax:    (617) 495 7356
  60 Garden Street MS-2     | Office: B-440
  Cambridge, MA 02138       |

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