Mark II vocabularies

Frederic V. Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Wed Nov 14 09:34:03 PST 2007

Following Alaisdairs suggestion, I went back and cleaned up the  
script so that it is used uniformly for all vocabularies.  Now, the  
only difference between any of them is the RDFROOT= and RDFPATH=  
settings in the makefile.  The total number of concepts and the total  
number of "TopConcepts" arbitrarily defined as the number of concepts  
with NT links but no BT links (i.e. no orphan concepts) is displayed.

To earn another beer, I also stuck in the UCD1 vocabulary, where the  
UCD root tokens indeed end up being the TopConcepts.  Note that I had  
to stick in two fake UCD roots to cover the cases  
phys.particle.neutrino and something else, requiring that there  
always be a parent separated only by one period.

The current bottom line is

	Vocabulary		Concepts	"Top" Concepts	Notes
	IAU93			2551		265				down from 512, albeit by definition
	IVOAT			2891		273				after all, the elements are more than 100 all  
by themselves
	UCD1			475			12				2 entries are fake!!!
	math			1318		15				taken from

Try  and enjoy!


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