Unique Name Assumption

Elyes Lehtihet lehtihet at iie.cnam.fr
Wed Apr 18 02:55:20 PDT 2007


While exploring the AstroOntology, I have noticed that you create a set 
of individuals (instances) of the AtomicElement, SpectralType, etc. As 
you probably know, the web ontology language use the Unique Name 
Assumption: every concept is not, by default, necessary distinct from 
the others. It implies that the instances of your classes are not made 
'explicitly' distinct for the reasoners : Carbon is not explicitly 
distinct from Calcium, etc. etc.

The common pattern to solve this problem is to create an 
'owl:AllDifferents' axiom (Protégé: OWL/Edit owl:AllDifferents...) that 
regroups the set of instances. After, one should create a new expression 
to enumerate the allowed values of the class. Example for the 
LuminosityClass: {LuminosityClassII LuminosityClassV LuminosityClassIII 
LuminosityClassIV LuminosityClassI}
This method assumes that a Class cannot take other values than the ones 
explicitly defined by the enumeration - But maybe there are more 
AtomicElement than the 14 that are cited :-)

Best regards,

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