some remarks on VOEvent

Ed Shaya edward.j.shaya.1 at
Mon Jun 6 08:55:29 PDT 2005

    I agree with this also.  Doesn't this all mean that VOEvent should 
hasObservation?  Shouldn't we be working with Jonathan's UML of an 
Observation to create that Ontology first.  Most of what is in the  
VOEvent presented at the last NVO meeting is like Observation but done 
in a different way.   I could understand wanting a simpler format for 
Observation but the better way to provide that is to have restrictions 
on Observation.  Perhaps there can be a SimpleFormatObservation subclass 
of Observation.
    I would think a VOEvent could take multiple Observations.  For 
instance, one day one has images and spectra and then three days later 
one has more images and spectra.   One notices significant changes in 
both so you send out a VOEvent. Are there 4 Observations or 1?  And what 
if you include supporting Observations by a colleague at another 


Bernard Vatant wrote:

>.... to follow-up with my previous message ...
>Roy Williams wrote :
>>More properly we should *not* say VOEvent represents an astrophysical
>>event, but rather it represents an *observation* of an event. Each
>>observation is assigned an ID.
>Agreed, iff "an *observation* of an event" is not taken in a naive realistic view of the
>world, a la ...
>1. There was an event to observe (outthere, independently of mine, or any other,
>2. I was there, lucky man/woman to catch it : see my data.
>.... but puts the observation first, and then the event definition, a la :
>1. I happened to capture this pack of data.
>2. They seem to make together enough sense, according to my/our current knowledge - or
>still better, to our *lack* of knowledge - to be encapsulated inside an "event box".
>3. My first interpretation is bla bla ...
>Bernard Vatant
>Senior Consultant
>Knowledge Engineering
>bernard.vatant at
>"Making Sense of Content" :
>"Everything is a Subject" :

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