some remarks on VOEvent

Bernard Vatant bernard.vatant at
Mon Jun 6 07:43:55 PDT 2005

... to follow-up with my previous message ...

Roy Williams wrote :

> More properly we should *not* say VOEvent represents an astrophysical
> event, but rather it represents an *observation* of an event. Each
> observation is assigned an ID.

Agreed, iff "an *observation* of an event" is not taken in a naive realistic view of the
world, a la ...

1. There was an event to observe (outthere, independently of mine, or any other,
2. I was there, lucky man/woman to catch it : see my data.

... but puts the observation first, and then the event definition, a la :

1. I happened to capture this pack of data.
2. They seem to make together enough sense, according to my/our current knowledge - or
still better, to our *lack* of knowledge - to be encapsulated inside an "event box".
3. My first interpretation is bla bla ...



Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Knowledge Engineering
bernard.vatant at

"Making Sense of Content" :
"Everything is a Subject" :


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