some semantic puzzles from VOEvent

Roy Williams roy at
Thu Jun 2 12:45:26 PDT 2005

Here are some projects and use cases that are of interest to me and the 
VOEvent group, that may be relevant to the Semantics IG.

(1) Adding an interpretation to a VOEvent. In the VOEvent schema, we 
have a "Why" section where the publisher can say  what they think the 
event is (supernova or an outburst of a variable star or a microlensing 
event or GRB etc etc).  We would like a formal vocabulary so that, for 
example, the computer can understand that "Supernova" and "SN" are the 
same thing. However, my simple attempts to do this as a new branch of 
the UCD tree blew up into a storm of controversy. How can we make 
progress here?

(2) Suppose we have a collection of Event observation packets that are 
all about single astrophysical event, but made by different people from 
different telescopes. How can I look at the interpretations ("Why" 
sections) and decide if there is a difference of opinion, or a change 
in interpretation with time? One report says the Event is a Supernova, 
another says it is a SupernovaType1a, another says it is a SN and 
another says "bright source associated with a galaxy". Are these four 
in agreement?

(3) In VOEvent, there is a section for saying what was measured, and it 
is a collection of parameters that are characterized by UCD. For 
example PEAK_COUNT=3243 and R-MAG=17.5 and BANANA_FLUX=4.654. If I have 
a lot of  VOEvent packets that refer to the same astrophysical event,  
can I extract a SED or light-curve (or time-dependent SED) by 
federating all the separate observations?

California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670
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