VOResource-1.2 PR announcement

Renaud Savalle renaud.savalle at obspm.fr
Fri Oct 18 12:37:01 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

This is an announcement for the Proposed Recommendation:

*VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata Version 1.2*

which is now available on the IVOA document collection at 

*VOResource* is an IVOA standard for describing astronomical resources 
(data collections, services, registries, tools...) within the Virtual 
Observatory. It provides an XML interchange format for use with 
registries, and lays the foundations upon which description schemes for 
concrete resources are built in various VOResource extensions.

Please note that the editor Markus Demleitner will give a talk about 
this PR at our Interoperability meeting in Malta: cf the agenda at 
https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2024Registry (remote 
attendance will be possible with Zoom).

The formal RFC process will likely begin after the meeting.

Here is a brief summary of the changes from Recommendation 1.1:

    * You can now use DOIs (or other identifier schemes like orcid)
      wherever we have a ResourceName so far, which includes
      relationship, authors, and the like.

    * We now spell out what "using the UAT" for our subject keywords
      mean.  If you publish resource records, this probably means that
      you will have to update them, as it is unlikely that they already
      have UAT keywords, let alone the with the right syntax.

    * If you machine-readably declare your licenses, you should now use
      SPDX URIs.

    * The bibliographic source can now be declared machine-readably with
      DOIs, too (before, there were only bibcodes).

Interested ? Please consider attending the Registry session. See you in 
Malta !


Renaud Savalle, chair of the Registry WG

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