
Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Tue Apr 18 10:19:32 CEST 2023

Dear Registry Community,

In 2018, there was the IVOA note on "Educational Resources in the
Virtual Observatory",
<>.  This contained,
among other things, a registry extension for tutorials, use cases,
and the like, which has been taken up reasonably well since then;
<> is a rendering of the material registered
in this way so far.

Given that, I'd say it's time to cast that registry extension (or a
derivation of it) into a proper standard.  Hence, I have created
<> (pre-rendered PDF:
<>) as an internal working draft
of the Registry WG.

Before we push that to the doc repo: Does anyone have major qualms
with this?  Or perhaps immediate ideas for improvement?

One thing I would definitely love to see this used for is to register
somewhat maintained jupyter notebooks showcasing VO use.  If you have
some of those, it would be great if you could try your hand --
perhaps we can make the scheme more useful with those with a few
minor additional conventions or extensions.



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