not standard param service

Carlos Rodrigo crb at
Tue Oct 27 10:42:37 CET 2020


Thanks a lot for the help and examples! (Theresa and Juan)

I think I have been able to publish it correctly.

Thanks again


On 26/10/20 20:14, Theresa Dower wrote:
> Carlos,
> Yes, registering web services that do not exactly match VO standard API descriptions is possible!
> One may simply register them as a base type of service that we derive  ConeSearch, SIA, etc from,
> generally DataService or CatalogService. Custom parameters can be defined within a ParamHTTP
> interface element in the service capabilities. In this case there's just no "standardID"
> capability/interface.
> From the VODataService 1.1 spec, the difference, fundamentally, is:
>     |vs:DataService|
>         Inheriting from |vr:Service|, this type is for services that access astronomical data. It
>         adds the ability to describe the data's coverage
>         <>
>         of the sky, frequency, and time. 
>     |vs:CatalogService|
>         Inheriting from |vs:DataService|, this type specifically refers to a service that accesses
>         tabular data. In addition to the coverage information, this type adds the ability to
>         describe the tables and their columns. This is intended for describing services that support
>         the "simple" IVOA data access layer protocols such as Simple Image Access [SIA
>         <>]
>         and Simple Cone Search [SCS
>         <>].
> In the VODataService 1.1 specification, there is a (real) example non-standard CatalogService with
> custom parameters spelled
> out:
> ***
> That said, this defines the underlying XML-based resource description itself. I don't know how
> individual publishing registries import these, or build them from a user interface. How Euro-VO
> registry management interfaces handle these is a question for other folks on this list. I hope this
> helps!
> Cheers,
> --Theresa
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* registry-bounces at <registry-bounces at> on behalf of Carlos Rodrigo
> <crb at>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 26, 2020 1:59:58 PM
> *To:* registry at
> *Subject:* not standard param service
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi
> I would like to register a service in a VO registry that does not correspond to any of the typical
> standard (ssa, sia, cs, tap...) but has a web interface accepting parameters.
> The particular case is a Filter Profile Service. Its base url is:
> and accepts some parameters like:
> ID (filter ID)
> PhotCalID (Phot calibration ID)
> Instrument
> Facility
> WavelengthEff_min
> WavelengthEff_max
> etc.
> I would like to register it and provide the base url and a list of parameters that are accepted in
> queries.
> Is this possible? Can somebody please give me some advice about it?
> Carlos

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