B2Find collaborative document and actions for registry

Theresa Dower dower at stsci.edu
Fri May 17 11:51:54 CEST 2019

For those who are interested in details about the mapping and short through long term plans for registry B2Find collaboration, the document link from our meeting at the IVOA interop is https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/2/code/view/nF52UQX8RfcJ0cifNZJ4OsNCH4Eu-FkeNtIoIH4Lcqg/ .

In the short term, there is no action for most registry operators or curators to change anything in order for records in the RofR to be included.

A medium-term action (i.e. in the coming months) for the curators of VOResource records in any registry is, if you are interested in the B2Find project automatically having more specific categorization of your resources than "astronomy and astrophysics", add subject elements with top-level terms from the UAT thesaurus (<http://astrothesaurus.org/>http://astrothesaurus.org/thesaurus/hierarchical-browse/) to your records.

Markus will be adding some logic to a full searchable registry's OAI-PMH interface responses in datacite format for the initial ingest. Once this work is complete, it would be helpful if the operators of full searchable registries could update our OAI-PMH oai_dc output formatting to match, so that results are more consistent and we can serve as operational service mirrors.

Thank you all for your input and hard work so far. I hope we can show off some progress in Groningen this autumn.

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