VODataService 1.2, PR ready for RFC?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Jul 19 16:00:51 CEST 2019

Dear Registry WG,

I've uploaded VODataService PR-2019-07-15 to the document repository
-- http://www.ivoa.net/documents/VODataService/20190715/ --, and this
is what I hope will go on to RFC.  So, I'd be very grateful if
whoever authors resource records or generates VOSI tables documents
could have a look at it now.

For RFC, I'd say some more implemenation experience would be good.  My
minimal criteria would be that at least most of the records for which
it's straightforward to provide the new metadata did so, in particular

* coverage in space, time and spectral
* no TAPTypes (if that results in a headache, we'd not deprecate it)
* the number of rows in tables in table/@nrows
* VOTable xtypes in the extendedType

As usual in Registry, the client side of implementation can't really be
part of the RFC, as the new pieces of metadata will have to end up in
RegTAP.  However, on http://dc.g-vo.org/tap, you can already see what it
would probably look like for the STC coverage (which is what this is
mainly about); see the stc_spatial, stc_temporal, and stc_spectral
tables.  Their filling up a bit more would be my main criterion for
going for RFC.

Be that as it may -- if you can have a look at it, or at least at the
changes since the last WD (that would be svn diff -r5205), that'd be
very much appreciated.



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