RegTAP 1.1 PR

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Thu Sep 27 12:42:09 CEST 2018


On Wed, 1 Aug 2018, Markus Demleitner wrote:

> Dear Registry folks,
> I've uploaded a Proposed Recommendation for RegTAP 1.1 to the
> document repository.  Here's the changelog since WD-20171206:

I have a comment/query on the RegTAP 1.1 PR, concerning security method IDs.
The change log in appendix E.2 says:

   "securityMethod/@standardID is now included in interface in a
    security_method_id column. Consequently, the
    /capability/interface/securityMethod/@standardID res_detail key
    has been removed (but services can of course still provide it)."

This removal of a standard key could be seen as a backwards compatibility
violation.  In practical terms, a client now has to know whether it's
talking to a RegTAP 1.0 or RegTAP 1.1 service in order to know where
to look for the security method ID information, so if it's not 1.1-aware
it may not find security method information that a RegTAP 1.1 service
is providing.  For backward compatibility reasons, I would therefore
suggest that the res_detail key stays put, and a SHOULD is introduced
to encourage 1.1 services to duplicate the security_method_id content
from rr.interface in rr.detail.

What do you think?


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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