new OAI publishing registry

Patrick Dowler pdowler.cadc at
Thu Oct 11 21:17:05 CEST 2018

Hi Registry!

A while back I reported that our old OAI publishing registry died a
horrible death and we were not able to recover it. With help (thnx Markus!)
I was able to get the content of the records from the STScI registry and
hack together a new - very spartan - endpoint that kind of implements

The now has the URL to this new endpoint so other full
registries will be harvesting from it now. This is just a heads up to watch
out for any issues and let me know if something goes sideways. The
datestamps for records have not changed so if ivo:// records
have not been removed due to our extended downtime there will be nothing to
see yet. A full harvest  should work out though.

PS-Planning to add the code to once I figure
out how to move the hard-coded hacks into configuration - this was really
quick & dirty :-)

Patrick Dowler
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Victoria, BC, Canada
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