Action items for registry maintainers / interested parties re: RofR meeting IVOA College Park interop
Theresa Dower
dower at
Tue Dec 4 17:23:31 CET 2018
Hello Registry!
First, my apologies for the delay on getting back to this. A lot of much-appreciated work was done before and at the RofR operations meeting held at College Park, by Janet, Yulie, Menelaos, and Euro-VO registry maintainers. We are all working toward an error-free whole registry ecosystem for the RofR, to provide good-quality metadata the IVOA can be proud of, and to make inclusion in the RofR a much easier process for the people who have to maintain it and the registries in it.
For those not in attendance, several people involved in operations for searchable and publishing registries, registry validators, and with the Registry of Registries, met to address long-standing and widespread problems with validation of registries and inclusion in the RofR. Yulie's excellent and detailed notes are attached. I'll also be forwarding some of the resultant discussion.
In summary, we decided to tackle some of these issues for the May 2019 Interop, where we will report on progress and further discuss approaches for handling various levels of validation failure (OAI, resource authority provenance issues, resource XML, etc). Known issues exist with individual resources, with outdated standards schemas the validator uses, and with some registry publishing service software. There is a little bit for everybody to work on. I am currently working on errata and issues within the NAVO searchable registry at STScI to keep it fresh in my mind. I've also tentatively started a page linked in the wiki under RegistryOperations; time will tell if we use this and actually updated the Ops guide or remove it. (
Action items:
Everyone interested - participate in discussion, come to the Interop!
Anyone who has written/edited VOResource and extension updates, RofR folks, kind Registry citizens - review the extra rules the RofR uses for validation (attached) for outdated checks.
All publishing registry maintainers - please run the validator at and clean up what resource and software issues we can. Discuss remaining problems at next Interop, especially if issues are found in open software that runs multiple registries. I'll send out reminders in the months leading up. Feel free to contact Menelaus or the list if a validation error is not easily understood.
Menelaos Perdikas - field questions from maintainers having issues with the registry, provide stack traces as needed.
Theresa Dower - write errata for VOResource ivoid to include #fragments, an oversight in the most recent version's xsd. This causes validation failures where there should not be any.
Yulie Zografou - once errata and any other schema document changes are made, include the new version in the RofR's validation suite.
Thanks so much to everyone for the work that's already gone into this,
--Theresa Dower
Archives, STScI
From: Zografou, Panagoula <pzografou at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:09 PM
To: Janet Evans; Theresa Dower; Pierre Le Sidaner; Christophe Arviset; Kostandin Vrioni; Juan Gonzalez; Markus Demleitner; Menelaos Perdikeas; Harbo, Peter
Subject: RofR meeting notes
Hi All,
Please see the attached notes. Two lists of additional validations referenced in the notes are also attached.
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