- Look for oai:error. Service must respond to a legal OAI command and support the ivo_vor metadata prefix and the ivo_managed set. - Identify/baseurl must be equal to the URL being tested - Identifier must include a description containing a Registry Resource record - Registry record must have an element name of 'Resource' - Recommend using Resource from the RegistryInterface schema (http://www.ivoa.net/xml/RegistryInterface/v1.0) for full OAI schema compliance - A Harvesting Registry should declare a Harvest capability - A Harvesting Registry must return VOResource records when metadataPrefix=ivo_vor - When metadataPrefix=ivo_vor, each VOResource must be wrapped in a ri:Resource element. - The date for the created attribute must be in the Past - The date for the updated attribute must be in the Past - VOResource record should have a status attribute - VOResource record should have an updated attribute - VOResource record should have a created attribute - Registry resource should have one capability with either xsi:type='vg:Search' or xsi:type='vg:Harvest' - A harvesting registry must support version 1.0 of the OAIHTTP interface. - Recommend setting VOResource xsi:type='vg:Registry' on service with a Search or Harvest capability - Harvest capability must include interface with xsi:type='vg:OAIHTTP' and role='std' - The OAI record/header/identifiers must match the VOResource identifier. - Service must respond to a legal OAI [verb] query. - ListRecords must include the record for the registry being tested. - ListRecords must include an Authority record for all authority IDs - ListMetadataFormats must declare support for the ivo_vor format - Recommend setting schema to http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOResource/v1.0 for the ivo_vor format - Recommend setting metadataNamespace to http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOResource/v1.0 for the ivo_vor format - ListSets must declare support the ivo_managed set - A registry cannot declare new set names that begin with ivo_