Registry Interfaces 1.1 - newest draft pre- Stellenbosch session

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon May 23 11:03:33 CEST 2016

Dear Registry,

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 02:42:48PM -0400, Zografou, Panagoula wrote:
> Is it necessary to fix the RofR validator URL
> in section 4.1? We understand that it was
> carried over from the RofR note but does it belong in the recommendation as
> a 'standard service'? The validate/register page is accessible as a link
> from the main RofR page and one does not need to know
> its absolute path. Making it abstract would give us more flexibility in
> maintaining the application.

I agree -- let's not codify more than we need to.

I'd say let's replace the entire paragraph starting with "Once a
registry provider has deployed a new publishing registry..." with
something like:

  Once a registry provider has deployed a new publishing registry,
  they have to register it with the RofR, which provides a dedicated
  browser-based interfaces for this purpose accessible from  The RofR performs a thorough validation of
  the new registry, and it will refuse to add invalid registries.
  This validator can, and indeed should, be used independently of the
  first registration process by the registry providers to
  periodically make sure their registries are still compliant with
  the relevant IVOA standards.

I wonder if even the "browser-based" is too strong.  It doesn't rule
out other interfaces, though, so perhaps it's not too strong a



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