Problems with RegTAP, ADQL, natural joins, and MS SQL Server

Menelaus Perdikeas mperdikeas at
Thu Feb 25 14:03:07 CET 2016

Hi Markus, 

> Oh? What would that be? 

We've found that we can do queries using TopCAT (RegTAP option) matching against all of the exposed fields ( Short Name , Title , Subjects , ID , Publisher , Description ) or subsets of them thereof with the exception of the " Subjects " fields. 
When the " Subjects " field is checked the parsing fails. This can be either: (a) a bug in our configuration / integration of Gregory's ADQL library or (b) a bug in the ADQL library itself. 

I didn't have the time to get to the bottom of this and was hoping to resolve this during this Spring's InterOp. 

> Will you be in Edinburgh to 
> the Tech Forum? If so, that could be a good place to sit together 
> with Mark and optimise the query a bit. 

No, I was hoping to resolve the problem without asking Mark to accommodate us (since I guess every change in the queries emitted by TopCAT can disrupt other services as a side effect). 


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