RegTAP validation suite

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Wed Feb 26 06:58:32 PST 2014

On Wed, 26 Feb 2014, Markus Demleitner wrote:

> Dear Registry WG,
> I've written a validation suite -- well, it's more a set of
> integration tests -- for RegTAP.  If you're an implementor, please
> have a look and try to run the thing against your service:

I don't expect to run it myself, but please accept a round of applause
for getting a validator out there.

> This is certainly not cast in stone -- I may have messed up here and
> there and actually require something that's not required by the
> standard.  The suite furthermore certainly has, ahem, room for
> improvement in terms of coverage of the standard, so any and all
> criticism or contributions are welcome.
> Having said all that: I believe the validation suite should be kept
> fairly near to the standard, it being part of the (well, official)
> conditions for something moving on to REC, and of course also highly
> useful in service development.  Is there a precedent for that?  Or
> any sort of loophole in the policies that would let this (once it's
> ready for prime time) end up on some server with an name?

This doesn't quite answer your question, but there should at least
be a link on the ServiceValidation page of the wiki

For actually hosting it - this may feed into the discussion on
IVOA codebases/repositories over on Apps.  If you want to pre-empt the
conclusions of that, one possibility would be to stick it in Volute.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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