Standard IVORNs, data model identifiers

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Feb 20 05:06:52 PST 2014

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 07:51:48PM +0000, Paul Harrison wrote:
> On 2014-02 -18, at 15:53, Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at> wrote:
> > (a) have unversioned standard identifiers in dataModels (and possibly
> > other places like standardIDs) henceforth, i.e.,
> > ivo:// -- that kinda works as long as the standard
> > evolves smoothly enough and we make a new record for a new major
> > version ("std/RegTAP2").  But then there's no machine-readable way of
> > figuring out the version actually found on the other end, which is
> > probably not good.
> > 
> > (b) go on as we have so far and create a new standards record for
> > every (even minor) version that we need in standardIDs and similar
> > places.
> > 
> > On a longer run, we might want to fix VOResource to allow fragment
> > identifiers in IdentifierURIs, but that's not an option right now.  I
> > need to put the id people should be looking for into the RegTAP
> > document now.
> > 
> > My feeling is that (a) would be nicer in priciple, but it would be
> > basically impossible for a client to use any features introduced  in
> > point versions.  That would throw us back to (b) with the implied
> > inflation in records.
> > 
> > Opinions?  Elegant solutions, anyone?  Please?
> > 
> Is not the easiest/best solution to change the TAPRegExp schema and
> standard to expand the reference to be xs:anyURI as you need? What
> you want to do with the <ri:Resource xsi:type="vstd:Standard" ?> as
> above is exactly what is the intention of the StandardsRegExt, so
> it would be better if the reference attribute were  xs:anyURI.
> Doing this does not invalidate any existing records, therefore it
> should be a small technical update to the standard which need not
> go through the whole process.

...but still means a schema change, which is something I'd rather
have avoided.  But from what responses there were, I conclude that
(b) is *really* unpopular, and while (a) might be good enough I still
have a bad feeling about taking away the only standard way to tell
apart different versions of a standard.

Hence, I'm going to put out a schema for chaning all vr:StandardURI to
xs:anyURI.  Even if what's below is carried through, I can't really
see how being a bit more liberal here will badly hurt us.

Protest if you disagree.

> As for changing the definition of IdentifierURIs in VOResource, I
> think that perhaps a new type could be introduced where the
> allowable references do include the fragment and query parts of the
> standard URI - I think that it was definitely envisaged originally

Well, the trouble with this is that then quite a bit of other stuff
needs to be fixed, too, if fragments become standard in standard
IVORNs.  Here's a selection of items in VOResource and vicinity that
would need to be touched, by a quick go through the schemas:


On the other hand vr:identifier presumably should not allow fragments
(though I'm not sure whether this actually needs enforcing by the
XSD).  About the same goes for vr:Validation/@validatedBy and
vs:ServiceReference/@ivo-id (call that set "pure").

For vr:ResourceName/@ivo-id (that's for things like contributor,
facility, instrument, managingOrg, name, publisher, relatedResource,
I frankly think allowing fragments would make sense for some use
cases (think an enumeration of staff within a future version of
vr:Organization; this would make a whole lot of sense with
contact/@ivo-id and creator/@ivo-id).

Looking at this list I think just changing IdentifierURI will do what
we want while losing only very little in terms of error detection
power (and of course, a strict validator would have to dereference
all these ids anyway and see if the references make sense, so syntax
alone -- which can't catch most of the interesting errors anyway--
may be even less helpful).

If we actually decide we want to tell apart references to records
from those to elements within them, then I'd rather vote for making a
type (vr:RecordReference, say) that restricts the the loosened
StandardId to not having a fragment identifier; that way, only three
elements (the "pure" set) would need to be changed, and only in two

Now, if we feel these kinds of identifiers are what we want, then
*someone* (see me conspicuosly watching the sky?) would have to care
about this; I expect datalink will go PR fairly soon, and by then we
should be able to tell DAL how to write the id.



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