new take on resource registration best practice

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at
Wed Oct 23 04:46:26 PDT 2013

Hi Ray

Thank you for raising this problem
I just want us to separate two point :
The way we want the services and collection to be registered by the 
users. (example for registering one tap with multiple collections)
The way we want to ingest them in the registry. (or the way we would 
like to retrieve informations)

To register services do we agree that we want to register one end point 
TAP service (one vodataservice) and multiple collections ?

As I consider that VO organisation is not the problem of the user, we 
should not change the way resources are designed just because we have 
change interface to TAP.  it's clear to me that the question from a user 
asking to a registry  will be : give me all tap service that fit my 
I can not answer for database implementation what should be the best, 
but definitely the capabilities of the collection should be accessible. 
event if the fields are not present in the schema of collection.

In the implementation of REST registry done by Jonathan we will consider 
one collection as one resource and we will add them the associate 
capabilities (the one associated to the related service) and it will 
transparent for the user.
he will ask give me tap services dealing with infrared or with this 
word. And answer will come directly


On 10/23/2013 12:58 PM, Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi RWGers,
> At the IVOA meeting in Hawaii
> (, the
> Registry Working Group continued its discussion of a unified
> convention/best practice for registering data collections and their
> services.  In particular, Markus Demleitner raised a significant issue
> with a proposal we've discussed for some time and I outlined
> explicitly in Heidelburg.  This led to some rethinking about the best
> way to register collections.
> In short, that previous proposal recommended that if you had a
> collection of data to register, you would register it first as a
> DataCollection (and include all the science metadata), and then you
> would register the services that access that collection as separate
> resources.  Markus, in his presentation, showed that this led to some
> really messy, hard-to-construct queries using RegTAP.
> We had some breakout discussions to consider a different approach that
> would allow for simpler queries.  A leading idea was to register a
> data collection and all the services that access it as a single
> resource (with multiple capability elements).
Hi Ray
> I would like to open up this discussion generally (particularly for
> those who could not attend the Interop).  I've create a twiki page,
> that tries to summarize the issue and lay out this new proposal for
> registering data collections and their services.  There is a question
> as to whether the CatalogService resource type is sufficient for
> registering collections in this way or whether a new resource type
> (which looks more/less like a CatalogService) is needed.  The page
> also examines various typical and special cases.
> Please offer any comments either via the mailing list or as additions
> to the RegisteringBestPracticesDisc page.  (If you do the latter, you
> might ping the rest of us with a quick note to the list saying that've
> made updates.)
> cheers,
> Ray

                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

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