RegTAP document suggestion

Marco Molinaro molinaro at
Mon Mar 11 03:16:59 PDT 2013

Dear registry-WG,
I have a suggestion regarding the Relational Registry Schema draft.

Subsection 7.3 (res_detail table) contains a 3-page long list of
metadata (utypes) coming from current REC registry extension docs.
Since this list seems to me long enough to mess up thoughts while
reading and considering the items in the list belong to other docs and
will be expanded in future reg-extension ones I'm wondering if it
would be better to move it in an appendix of the draft.

I also suggest to mark more clearly MUSTs and SHOULDs in the list,
rather then a "!" at the end of the item we can sort be requirement or
put some more visible label in front of each utype.

Moreover, since the list comes from external docs and will be extended
in external docs, would it be useful to have a web page/small service
maintaining it up to date and referred to in all the relevant


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