RegTAP, next IWD, mirrors

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Tue Mar 5 01:57:16 PST 2013

Dear Registry WG,

I've just committed a new version of the relational registry internal
working draft.  See for all the
relevant links; here's a list of changes from the 2012-11-12 version:

* Adapted all utypes to better match future VO-DML utypes.
* footprint, data_url, facility, and instrument are no longer in 
  rr.resource but are instead kept in rr.res_details rows.
* For VOResource compliance, intf_param has no flag column any more.
* res_role.base_utype is renamed to res_role.base_role and no longer 
  pretends to be a utype fragments; also, the content is now a simple
* intf_param.use is now called intf_param.use_param to avoid possible 
  clashes with reserved SQL words.
* Removed all material on STC coverage.
* Added an appendix recommending field sizes (this one thanks to 
  Marco Molinaro).

So, while in particular the PDF could use some cosmetics (but that's
more ivoadoc work), I'd now feel the document would be ready for
wider review (in other words: who's seeing stumbling blocks left for
promoting this to a WD?)

On the implementation side, there's now a second RegTAP service that
does harvesting of its own in Potsdam, so you can find the relational
registry at the TAP services with the access URLs and  Also, Marco
Molinaro is working on a VODance/MySQL-based implementation that will
mirror the data from Heidelberg; I understand he's pretty far along
with this.

The STC extension is now in a different place on volute (there's a
link to this on RI2Discussion, too).  Pierre Fernique *almost* has me
convinced that MOCs are the way to go for the spatial coverage (the
other three axis are IMHO ok).  However, we've not yet come up with a
good way to actually pull this off.  Any further input there is
welcome, too, but given the urgency of a registry makeover I'd say
STC considerations should not impede RegTAP progress.

As always: any and all feedback and/or participation is highly



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